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2 . 2023



A form to control the level of university students’ knowledge is a point-rating system. It is based on motivated, systematic work of both students and university teachers. The information transparency of the point-rating system makes it possible to more objectively assess the level of students’ knowledge and motivate them to deeper prepare for the lesson. The article reveals the basic principles of the point-rating system application, and its advantages over the traditional approach to monitoring students’ learning of educational material as well. The rating system has been introduced at Kursk State Medical University since 2016. The authors of the article carried out a survey of fifth-year students of the medical faculty in order to identify their attitude to the current point-rating system. The students’ comments concerning the advantages and disadvantages of the system have been also analyzed. There have been made some conclusions saying that there is a need to revise some paragraphs in the current regulations to optimize the process of adaptation and further successful functioning of the point-rating system at the university. It has been established that this system adequately assesses the students’ educational achievements. The guiding principles for changes and improvements in the rating system should not be based on the students’ opinions only, but on the experience of other medical universities and the teachers’ opinions as well.

Keywords:point-rating system; method of organization; questioning; students; quality of the learning process at the university

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

For citation: Avdeyeva E.V., Kharchenko V.V. Analysis of the point-rating system application at Kursk State Medical University. Meditsinskoe obrazovanie i professional’noe razvitie [Medical education and professional development]. 2023; 14 (2): 20–7. DOI: (in Russian)


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Balkizov Zalim Zamirovich
Secretary General of the Russian Society of Medical Education Specialists, Director of the Institute of Training of Medical Education Specialists of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, 125993, Moscow, Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Vocational Education and Educational Technologies of the N.I. Pirogov RNIMU of the MOH of Russia, CEO of GEOTAR-Med, Advisor President of the National Medical Chamber, Moscow, Russian Federation

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