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1 . 2020

Opportunities of continuous professional development of medical workers at the post-diploma stage at the Kursk State Medical University


The solution of the indicated personnel problem is based on the creation of an effective system for the continuous professional development of medical and pharmaceutical workers, aimed at the continuous improvement of professional knowledge and skills, the continuous improvement of the professional level and the expansion of competencies necessary for professional activities. The purpose of the work is to analyze the experience of implementing additional professional programs at the Kursk state Medical University and evaluate the contribution of the Kursk state Medical University to the implementation of the system of continuing medical education at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulated by the national project "Healthcare". The publication presents the results of an analysis of the work of the faculty of postgraduate education at Kursk State Medical University on the implementation of additional professional continuing education programs and professional retraining for 2013-2019. The authors identified the possibilities of continuous professional development and expanding the qualifications of medical workers at the postgraduate stage by implementing additional professional continuing education and retraining programs, including programs implemented through the portal of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education of the Russian Ministry of Health, in Kursk State Medical University.

Keywords:continuous professional development, additional professional programs, advanced training

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interests.

For citation: Lazarenko V.A., Komissinskaya I.G., Stepchenko A.A., Gavrilyuk V.P. Opportunities of continuous professional development of medical workers at the post-diploma stage at the Kursk State Medical University. Meditsinskoe obrazovanie i professional'noe razvitie [Medical Education and Professional Development]. 2020; 11 (1): 100-9. doi: 10.2441 1/2220-8453-2020-1 1007. (in Russian)


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Balkizov Zalim Zamirovich
Secretary General of the Russian Society of Medical Education Specialists, Director of the Institute of Training of Medical Education Specialists of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, 125993, Moscow, Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Vocational Education and Educational Technologies of the N.I. Pirogov RNIMU of the MOH of Russia, CEO of GEOTAR-Med, Advisor President of the National Medical Chamber, Moscow, Russian Federation

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