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1 . 2020

Foreign experience in providing medical personnel in rural areas


In the article foreign experience in training and retaining medical personnel in rural areas is represented. Among existing programs, the following are most effective: programs that use financial incentives to attract medical personnel to areas with shortage of healthcare workers; programs that use existing or formed connections between medical students and rural areas.

Keywords:medical education, career in the healthcare industry, professional orientation, target medical students' learning

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interests. The authors declare no conflict of interests.

For citation: Koychueva S.M. Foreign experience in providing medical personnel in rural areas. Meditsinskoe obrazovanie i professional'noe razvitie [Medical Education and Professional Development]. 2020; 1 1 (1): 76-85. doi: 10.24411/2220-8453-2020-11005. (in Russian)


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Balkizov Zalim Zamirovich
Secretary General of the Russian Society of Medical Education Specialists, Director of the Institute of Training of Medical Education Specialists of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, 125993, Moscow, Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Vocational Education and Educational Technologies of the N.I. Pirogov RNIMU of the MOH of Russia, CEO of GEOTAR-Med, Advisor President of the National Medical Chamber, Moscow, Russian Federation

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