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1 . 2014

Russian national medical education at reforming stage

AbstractIn this paper, on the basis of publications and their own data, the authors describe the features of professional continuous medical education in the modern conditions of higher education reform in Russia; describe the new role of the teacher of the medical school, which holds the professional competence and modern teaching technologies (educational modules, project learning methods, distant education, etc.). The system of continuous medical education based on its innovative nature as a tool of professional development should be a strategic objective in the implementation of the objectives for reforming professional medical education in Russia.

Keywords:• professional continuous medical education • modern teaching innovative educational technology • professional competence of the teacher and medical professional

Meditsinskoe obrazovanie i professional’noe razvitie [Medical Education and Professional Development]. 2014; (1): 32–41.

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Balkizov Zalim Zamirovich
Secretary General of the Russian Society of Medical Education Specialists, Director of the Institute of Training of Medical Education Specialists of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, 125993, Moscow, Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Vocational Education and Educational Technologies of the N.I. Pirogov RNIMU of the MOH of Russia, CEO of GEOTAR-Med, Advisor President of the National Medical Chamber, Moscow, Russian Federation

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