Christof J. Daetwyler

MD, is an associate professor at the DUCOM. He spent his career since 1994 on the development of technology for medical education. He received the European Academic Software Award twice, and was Joe Henderson's fellow at Dartmouth’ Interactive Media Lab for 3 years.

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MD, is an associate professor at the DUCOM. He spent his career since 1994 on the development of technology for medical education. He received the European Academic Software Award twice, and was Joe Henderson's fellow at Dartmouth’ Interactive Media Lab for 3 years.

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MD, is an associate professor at the DUCOM. He spent his career since 1994 on the development of technology for medical education. He received the European Academic Software Award twice, and was Joe Henderson's fellow at Dartmouth’ Interactive Media Lab for 3 years.

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MD, is an associate professor at the DUCOM. He spent his career since 1994 on the development of technology for medical education. He received the European Academic Software Award twice, and was Joe Henderson's fellow at Dartmouth’ Interactive Media Lab for 3 years.

Балкизов Залим Замирович
Генеральный секретарь Российского общества специалистов медицинского образования, директор Института подготовки специалистов медицинского образования ФГБОУ ДПО РМАНПО Минздрава России, профессор кафедры профессионального образования и образовательных технологий ФГАОУ ВО РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова Минздрава России, генеральный директор компании ГЭОТАР-Мед, Советник Президента Национальной медицинской палаты, Москва, Российская Федерация

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