AbstractIntroduction. The search for a model that promotes acmeological development, integrating formal and non-formal training of teachers with advanced training, is relevant. The article is aimed at finding out the satisfaction of teachers with a new format for improving pedagogical qualifications at the School of Pedagogical Excellence of the Volgograd State Medical University. The involvement of teachers in pedagogical creativity within the framework of the federal innovation platform is considered.
Material and methods. A continuous research method was implemented, students of advanced training courses were interviewed without regard to specialty and experience, the information collection tool was anonymous questionnaires using a Google form, validated by similar surveys by institutions of additional education in Volgograd. Information analysis methods: generalization, analysis of information on selected indicators of the questionnaire, the consent of the respondents was obtained on the basis of applications when registering for advanced training courses.
Results and discussion. Data is presented that indicates the satisfaction of teachers with the new format of teaching at the school of pedagogical excellence. The result of formal and informal advanced training of teachers was the creation of new projects, creative participation in event-based education.
Conclusion. The model of the school of pedagogical excellence, focused on the acmeological development of teachers of a medical university, was developed and tested at the Volgograd State Medical University in the course of the federal innovation platform. The results obtained make it possible to recommend the experience of a new format for improving pedagogical qualifications to colleagues from other medical universities.
Keywords:innovative educational project; school of pedagogical skills; advanced training
Funding. The study had no sponsor support.
Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.
For citation: Poroyskiy S.V., Artyukhina A.I., Chumakov V.I., Velikanova O.F. Federal innovation platform in the acmeological development of medical university teachers. Meditsinskoe obrazovanie i professional’noe razvitie [Medical education and professional development]. 2023; 14 (2): 125–34. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33029/2220-8453-2023-14-2-125-134 (in Russian)
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